Saturday, May 19, 2012

Finally Met My Favorite Movie Star! IN PERSON!


It's no secret that "Sound of Music" is one of my favorite movies ever!!!!
I went to see this wonderful movie with my beloved late grandfather when I was about seven years old (just to be clear - this was waaaay after 1965, it was in the late seventies...). I still remember that day as if it was today... I've loved that movie so much I wanted to watch an encore after the first session was over... My granddad had a Buddha-like patience with me, but that was enough even for him! LOL!

I immediately fell in love with the Captain Von Trapp actor, more specifically Christopher Plummer. I was really struck by his charisma and good looks...

Did make a point of trying to get paper clippings about his movies, pictures of him - this was WAY before the ease we now have in terms of finding a ton of info, pictures, etc in the click of a button...

Fast forward some decades (just a few) and I am living in New York instead of my native Sao Paulo. I do live in a great area (Gramercy Park). This is an area that has movie sets galore, I've actually seen more sets and filming going on than most of people have seen...

Some weeks ago, I did see a lot of trailer trucks and some signs saying that they were filming an HBO film about Mohammad Ali and that Christopher Plummer was in the cast.

Ok, so I decided to walk through that area every day on my way to work in the faint hope that I could spot him. No deal.

Then, one "magical" early evening after work, on May 18th, 2012, I am going home from work and...

I am just trying to get home after a long work week and who do I spot? I could see his face coming towards me on 21st street. I just froze and almost could not process it...
But hey. I did process it. I did manage to say: "Mr. Plummer, I am a huge fan. I've been a fan for so many years" or something like that...

Then I just offered my hand and he shook it!

What I thought was: "This cannot be it!!! I have to go after him!"

So I did. And I did take some pathetic shaky shots of an old man walking in NY...

Great AMAZING shot, ain't it??? I was not content with this crap. I had to do better!!!!!!

So, like a crazy stalker, I did follow him around the block into Gramercy Park aaannnd...

I did accost him and said: "Sorry Sir, I am not really following you, I do live around here. What I would like to ask you is if I could take a picture of you..."

Not only he complied, but he gave me a beautiful smile...

This is the money shot!!!!!

What a thrill!!!!

The only thing I was mad about is that I was alone and I did not have the guts to ask a stranger to take a picture of him with me by his side... or have the hands/paper/pen to ask for an autograph...But this picture was good enough...

I was shaking and so excited that I could barely do small talk with him... He was very gracious though...
I did say that I was moved by his Oscar this year, that it was way overdue, etc.
Then I bade him farewell and saw him turn the corner next to the Gramercy Park Hotel...

Was impressed of how gracious he was...

I am sooo elated... This made my day, my week, my month... Especially that I will be going to Austria by the  end of this month. And I did book a "Sound of Music" tour in Salzburg!!! Ha!!!!

What a thrill!!!!

I just saw my captain to-daaaay!!!!

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