Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Victim of Reality Fashion TV... "Fashion Star" - And an Interesting Story Behind this Last Purchase...


I am a sucker for fashion shows. Any fashion shows on TV.
Some of them more (Project Runway), others less (24 Hour Catwalk)... But they always seem to amuse me.

Of course I would watch this new show Fashion Star.

The premise was interesting: they would get aspiring designers to create something very salable and major stores like H&M, Saks and Macy's would bid to get the item.
Then, magically, the garment would be available online immediately (don't you just love that?) or in stores the next day...

First of many issues this program has: who the hell did the picking of the "designers"? Some of them would be fired from Forever 21, let alone be sold at Saks!
The little gnome in the front with the orange hat (I forgot his name already), created garments that looked so cheap that they would probably be discounted at Conway! Yuck. So many good people left out and they pick THIS?

Well, then there is the problem of the "mentors" and the "presenter".

 Nicole Ritchie , John Varvatos, Elle McPherson and a deformed Jessica Simpson.
All of the above add NOTHING to the mix.
They are supposed to help, but don't do anything. 

I miss Tim Gunn soooo much in this situation. He raised the bar so high!

 Elle Mcwhatever adds nothing either. She just is so stiff, very pretty and tall, but stiff and has no personality... My gal Heidi Klum is WAY better!

The other things that bug me in this show are: they don't really tell us if the designer gets the money prize if the garment is "bought" by the store. They never mention it.
Then the producers, for time squeezing sake, just gloss over some designers. You simply don't see all the designer's work. They pick the ones you should see. I really don't like that. The time should be the same for everyone, so we can make a judgment about all.

If your garment is picked by any store, then you are safe. If not, THEY will pick poor 3 souls to have the chance of being eliminated. People who had their garments picked one week may go the next.
I thought that this was VERY random. They really didn't give a lot of reasons sometimes.

Whatever. I will continue watching...

Another funny thing is that the stores are sooo different from each other. Well, maybe H&M could be more in Macy's league, but Saks?
 They have completely different price points! Ok, so I know I won't buy anything that is picked up by Saks. They magically inflate the prices. At H&M the same thing would cost like less than a third...

Well, after this confession, I really didn't see anything in those 4 programs that I would actually buy.
Except this last program:

The reversible blazer was pretty cute. And since it was not picked by Saks - it was AFFORDABLE!!! YAY!

Wish they made this other color too:

And guess what: the blazer was sold out the next day! Recession? What recession?

 I was pretty sure I would not be able to score this... I just know. Too much hype. Same thing for those capsule collections from H&M and Target... Hard to get anything while it's hot...

Went to 2 H&M's and found one at a size 4 - tried it on and it was TODDLER sized (and I am not even that big on top). Was pretty dismayed that I would not get it (and for thirty bucks, it was a steal).

But then, an angel of a friend of mine managed to score one for me in another location!
A great 2 in one that will rock this spring!

Thanks Julie!

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