Friday, June 4, 2010

More childhood nostalgia!!!

OMG - MAJOR deja vu on this one - back to school!!!

Of course, you would not be complete if you didn't have a docksider... I had one in navy blue... Wore that to death...

This was one of the few school books that I really loved... I still do.

Who didn't like these? Ping Pong!!!

God, cassettes AGAIN - but this shot is the best: I've had SO MANY of those... Well, kids nowadays (God I am getting old), don't even know one of these babies... I literally had to record a song from the radio sometimes, and the voice of the DJ would appear in some of my tapes. I had to sit quietly and start recording and sometimes stop when the guy stared talking...

I swear I still remember this school bag - I had one very similar to this including the reflactive cat's eye closure

I didn't have exactly this one, but had several others and remember them soooo well!!!

Bambo, the robot! Classic toy...

I even forgot I had this Betoneira truck!!! Loved to play with the control buttons!!!

Bingola Disney - remember going mad trying to get them all - they came in Coke bottles (I guess?) and you could get an album to paste them all... Children...

Same for these yo-yos... collect the caps and exchange for those... I actually learned how to play yo-yos with the Coke one...


no words... tood crunchy and good" KRI!!!

 Monstrinho Creck !!! Forgot about this one too! This was like CRACK!!! LOL

Who didn't buy a lot of Mentex in the movie theater? 

Fura Bolo!!! This ice cream was VERY present in my childhood beach memories!!!

Recreio wafers... hummmm

I really loved this ICE POP posicles - so nostalgic about these things... they came as a liquid mini bag, then you would put these in the freezer and voi la!!!

GROSELHA MILANI!!! This was more into my grandma Nena house - but it was delicious! I still remember the TV ad with the little cartoon smiley faces...

How much did I love Polly??? in 2 words: a LOT!!!

One of the BEST Brazilian cartoons EVER!!! Ziraldo created amazing characters after a popular folk story: Saci Perere! LOVED their stories...

These are a few of my favorite things... more to come, kittens...

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